WATCH: DNC Chair, Sen. Murphy Slam 2024 GOP Hopefuls Ahead of NRA Convention
April 13, 2023
Today, Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison and Senator Chris Murphy held a press call holding 2024 Republican presidential hopefuls accountable as they head to the NRA convention.
During the call, Chair Harrison and Senator Murphy highlighted how the GOP appearances tomorrow serve as a reminder to Americans, once again, that MAGA Republicans always put the gun lobby ahead of the safety of our communities, schools, and children.
Read highlights from the press call below:
- “Donald Trump has said that there was no bigger fan of the NRA than him and cravenly he caved to the NRA in the wake of the horrific Parkland shooting where 17 children and teachers were gunned down. Trump’s speech at the NRA this year is a vivid reminder to all of us of his appearance just last year, when he shamelessly spoke at the NRA convention just days after the tragic school shooting in Uvalde. And in the aftermath of the shootings in Nashville and Louisville, his appearance this year is equally indefensible,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “And folks, you can be sure that Republicans’ extreme records on guns will be on full display tomorrow as they attempt to out-MAGA each other to capture the 2024 GOP nomination. Just last week, behind closed doors and surrounded by the NRA, Ron DeSantis signed the dangerous legislation that could make it easier for criminals to carry guns, despite Florida law enforcement saying that this is a big concern.”
- “The Republican Party continues to put the gun industry and the gunmakers before the safety of our kids and our families. It’s extraordinary, it’s heartbreaking, and it’s infuriating,” said Senator Chris Murphy. “Every significant national Republican – every Republican that’s throwing their hat in the ring to run for president – is showing up this weekend to pledge their undying loyalty to the NRA and the gun lobby literally days after patrons at banks and little kids at elementary schools were gunned down in cold blood because of a set of laws midwifed by the NRA that leaves our kids and families exposed to epidemic rates of gun violence.”