WATCH: Rep. Auchincloss and Margy Feldman Slam 2024 Republicans’ MAGA Agenda Ahead of Nevada Cattle Call

Today, Congressman Jake Auchincloss and Margy Feldman, Nevada Chapter Lead of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, joined a DNC press call ahead of Republicans’ latest cattle call in Nevada at the Republican Jewish Coalition Leadership Summit. During the call, Congressman Auchincloss and Feldman called out Donald Trump and other 2024 MAGA Republicans for their reckless foreign policy agendas that include undermining our allies and making the world less safe.


Read highlights from the press call below:

  • “Donald Trump is a disaster for American Jews and for Israel… While he was in office in his first term, he demonstrated behavior so reckless, so erratic, so dangerous, that a cadre of decorated military officers who served in the most senior positions of his administration, from John Kelly to Mark Milley to Jim Mattis, have since said that he is unfit for office and makes the world a more dangerous place,” said Congressman Jake Auchincloss. “Joe Biden has been strong and tough on Iran and any attempt by Republicans to conflate U.S. posture towards Iran with what happened on October 7 against Israel is a disservice to the effective foreign policy that the United States is now executing with bipartisan support in Congress.”

  • “I’m appalled that Donald Trump, along with the rest of the 2024 GOP field, are convening here in my home state, in my hometown, to feign support for the Jewish community when their actual records tell us the truth. Trump has consistently proven time and time again that he is far too dangerous to lead on the world stage and is no ally to the Jewish community,” said Margy Feldman, Nevada Chapter Lead of the Jewish Democratic Council of America. “While Donald Trump and the rest of the field make empty promises, President Biden is actually following through with what he says he’s going to do… We need a leader with that experience on the global stage and who will defend democracy and American values – Nevada’s Jewish community knows this and that’s why we are going to do everything we can to send President Biden back to the White House in 2024.”