WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: MAGA Mike Johnson Humiliated Again As House Republicans Put Politics Ahead of the American People

Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson had a night to forget on Tuesday, as his efforts to prioritize political stunts over solutions and bend the knee to Donald Trump backfired tremendously. We didn’t think the House GOP clown show could get any more out of control, but MAGA Mike and his chaos conference can’t even accomplish their political gimmicks, much less anything to serve the American people.

Here’s what they are saying about MAGA Mike and the House GOP’s series of embarrassments:


Axios: “Maddening”: Epic double debacle stings House GOP

Business Insider:
Update: House Republicans Are Still a Mess

Washington Examiner: Why Mike Johnson could be on the hot seat after Tuesday’s double embarrassment 

CNN: How a botched impeachment laid bare a GOP House that cannot function  

Washington Examiner: Johnson reckons with twin defeats to Biden after border victory 

Axios: House GOP erupts in fury over “embarrassing” and “shameful” defeats

CNBC: House Republican vote to impeach Mayorkas fails, a major defeat for Johnson

Daily Mail: Republicans FAIL to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas over border crisis: Chaotic GOP deals Speaker Mike Johnson an embarrassing blow during attempt to rebuke Biden’s top official for ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’

Newsweek: Mike Johnson on Shaky Ground After House Vote Disaster

Salon: “What the hell are they thinking?”: Furious Republicans erupt over “embarrassing” defeat 

Raw Story: Doubts swirl around Speaker Johnson’s abilities after ‘embarrassing’ losses: report


Jake Sherman, Punchbowl News: I’ve seen a lot of embarrassing days for different House Republican leadership teams. This one is pretty high on the list.

Kyle Griffin: Big failure for Speaker Johnson.

Jake Sherman, Punchbowl News: BREAKING — THE HOUSE failed to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the latest embarrassment for @SpeakerJohnson

Igor Bobic, HuffPost: GOP Sen. Cramer calls impeaching Mayorkas “the dumbest exercise and use of time”

“What’s rich to me is the speaker says the [border] bill in the Senate is… dead on arrival. And then they proceed impeaching a cabinet secretary, which is obviously dead on arrival.”


What we’re witnessing now with @SpeakerJohnson defies easy definition.

Johnson lost two massive votes on the floor yesterday — impeachment of @SecMayorkas and Israel aid. He knew the vote count on both. Yet he decided to proceed, choosing to lose in an embarrassing fashion.

Several House Republican leadership aides were stunned that Johnson was in the speaker’s chair to gavel in losing votes. 

Inside Johnson’s leadership circle, there are plenty who doubt his decision-making capability while being forced to begrudgingly execute his questionable strategies. And among rank-and-file House GOP lawmakers, there are a lot of people scratching their heads about where he’s leading them.

We’re now within a month of govt funding expiring. Israel-Ukraine-Taiwan could come over from the Senate.

It’s only getting harder for Johnson. 

He has been speaker for 105 days.

Stephen Neukam: Message from senior GOP aide:

“If we lose the Israel vote after losing Mayorkas impeachment: VACATE.”


Peter Baker, New York Times: Johnson dealt embarrassing setbacks on two major votes, failing to muster a majority to impeach Mayorkas or the two thirds needed for a stand alone Israel aid bill.