What They Are Saying: President Biden’s ‘Very Strong’ Israel Remarks Demonstrate ‘Amazing Moral Clarity’

Today, President Biden delivered forceful remarks from the White House, once again reaffirming the United States’ unwavering support for Israel. As the world looks to the United States for leadership during this time of fear, pain, and uncertainty, President Biden has remained steadfast in supporting America’s allies and offering clear leadership on the global stage.

Here’s what they’re saying about President Biden’s speech: 

@JRubinBloggerA speech of amazing moral clarity. I don’t know that any president has spoken more eloquently about evil and the trauma of the Jewish people. At the same time he spoke with PM about law of war. Key. He distinguished between Hamas and Palestinians. Perhaps his best speech ever

@jacobkornbluh: This is the most genuinely pro-Israel speech an American president could give.

@WolfBlitzer: All the major U.S. television networks carried live President Biden‘s very strong statement of support for Israel in its war against Hamas.

@WalshFreedom: This was an incredibly clear, strong speech in support of Israel. He put the world on notice. We stand right at Israel’s side, and we will give Israel everything it needs to defend itself and defeat the evil that is Hamas. Thank you @POTUS.

@JoshKraushaarVery strong speech from President Biden, clearly laying out the moral and geostrategic stakes.

@kaitlancollins: President Biden, in a very forceful statement, makes his stance clear and says he told Prime Minister Netanyahu that if what happened to Israel happened to the U.S., the response would be “swift and decisive.”

@AJCGlobal: .@POTUS Biden, your words brought tears to our eyes. In moments as dark as this, we need clear-headed leadership to bring light. 

We stand with Israel. 🇮🇱🇺🇸

@gantzbe: President Biden, 50 years after your first visit to Israel as a young Senator, your support for Israel has remained steadfast and ironclad. 

This evening, I want to thank you and the administration wholeheartedly for your unwavering support and regional leadership.

@DrMichaelOren: President Biden’s speech was the most passionately pro-Israel in history. The president stood four square behind the Jewish state and the Jewish people and unequivocally against terror and anti-Semitism, and pledged the power of the US to our defense. Our people will always remember and cherish this speech and the man who delivered it.

@DrMichaelOren: That is what I call moral clarity

@guypbenson: I’ve been very critical of this president and his administration—on policy, on rhetoric, on optics.  I stand by those warranted critiques.

I will also say that what we just heard was a *very* strong, welcome statement from Biden. Morally clear. Important to hear. 🇺🇸🇮🇱

@Isaac_Herzog: On behalf of the entire people of Israel, thank you @POTUS Joe Biden. You have shown once again what a great friend you are of Israel, its people, and the Jewish People as a whole. We are truly grateful. 🇮🇱🇺🇸

@MarkHertling: The @POTUS cuts from his speech to provide an anecdote about Golda Meir. Powerful.

@peterbakernyt: Biden bristled with indignation, appearing as angry as he has in public since becoming president. He denounced the attack as “evil” multiple times and used words like “butchered,” “slaughtered,” “massacred,” “abhorrent,” “brutality” and “bloodthirstiness.”