What They Are Saying: Ketanji Brown Jackson is Immensely Qualified.
February 26, 2022
Despite the Republican Party’s desperate attempts to smear Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s historic appointment to the Supreme Court, legal experts, lawmakers, and organization leaders are all saying the same thing: Ketanji Brown Jackson is immensely qualified to serve on the nation’s highest court.
Judge Jackson has more judicial experience than four sitting justices had COMBINED when confirmed. Don’t let anyone tell you she’s not qualified:
Joyce Vance, MSNBC Legal Analyst: “Judge Jackson is highly qualified, and we should expect no less.”
Steven Lubet, Williams Memorial Professor at the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law: “Though some Republicans objected to Biden’s stated commitment to name a Black woman to the court, derailing her nomination on this account seems an unlikely hill for them to try to climb. On any metric, Jackson is supremely qualified for the Supreme Court and more than ready for a return appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee.”
Senator Chuck Schumer: “With her exceptional qualifications and record of evenhandedness, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will be a justice who will uphold the Constitution and protect the rights of all Americans, including the voiceless and vulnerable.”
NAACP President Derrick Johnson: “President Biden has met this moment with an extraordinarily qualified nominee, who has stellar credentials and an impeccable background.”
Donna Brazile: “There were lots of exceptionally qualified capable women to choose from, but Biden’s selection of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson demonstrates that there’s no need for America’s highest court to be off limits to Black women anymore.”
Bishop Leah Daughtry, Co-Convenor, Power Rising: “We applaud President Biden and Vice President Harris on their selection of this exceptionally qualified, deeply experienced jurist. Her voice will help to ensure that our justice system reflects the diversity of all of us.”
Representative Frederica Wilson: “To have a Black woman and then to have a Black woman who, you know, is eminently qualified, who has stood the test of time.”
Professor Amy Wildermuth, dean of the University of Pittsburgh Law School: “This is a highly, highly qualified individual, and I personally am just delighted that she’s been nominated.”
Fatima Goss Graves, President, National Women Law Center: “Judge Jackson is an eminently qualified public servant with distinguished experience as a federal judge, and her historic nomination promises an end to the erasure of Black women from our most sacred legal institutions.”
Jocelyn Frye, President, National Partnership for Women and Families: “President Biden has taken our nation a giant step closer to realizing the vision of equal justice under the law in putting forward a nominee in Judge Jackson who is both eminently qualified and the first Black woman nominated to the nation’s highest court.”
Sheila Katz, Chief Executive Officer, National Council of Jewish Women: “Based on National Council of Jewish Women’s criteria of determining whether nominees are fair, independent, and qualified for lifetime tenure on the federal court, including the Supreme Court, NCJW is thrilled to support Judge Jackson’s nomination to the highest court of the land.”
Laphonza Butler, President, EMILY’s List: “One of the nation’s best legal minds, she is unquestionably qualified to serve, will bring a unique understanding of our judicial system, and will undoubtedly build a strong legacy on the court.”
Carlos Moore, President, National Bar Association: “Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is exceptionally qualified to serve on our nation’s highest court, and represents all the tenets of excellence, ethics, and intellect that are needed on the SCOTUS bench.”
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer: “Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is an exceptionally qualified candidate for the Supreme Court.”
Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock: “I applaud the historic nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Georgians want a nominee who is fair, qualified, and has a proven record of protecting Americans’ constitutional rights and freedoms.”
New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen: “Through her background in public service and experience as a federal public defender and on the DC Circuit, Jackson is eminently qualified to serve on the highest bench in the land.”
Former Attorney General Eric Holder: “There is absolutely no reason why this eminently qualified woman should not be swiftly confirmed. Ignore the partisan noise.”