What They’re Saying: Parents Across the Country Breathe Sigh of Relief as Middle Class Tax Cuts Hit Bank Accounts, Thanks to President Biden & Democrats

As middle-class families start receiving monthly tax cuts as part of the Child Tax Credit expanded in the American Rescue Plan, parents across the country are expressing gratitude for the leadership of President Biden and Democrats. Because of them, 39 million households will receive this tax cut, helping parents make ends meet and put COVID-19 in the rearview mirror. These monthly payments, which are expected to cut child poverty in half, were opposed by every single Republican in Congress. 

Here’s how parents across the country feel about receiving this tax cut, in their own words: 

“What these payments will allow us to do is pay for child care expenses, and it takes away a layer of stress that is inherent in trying to return to the workforce and financially plan for a new setting.” — Working mother of two, Sarai Faison, Durham, North Carolina

 “I believe the child tax credit will help families including mine greatly to offset the cost of childcare.” — Veteran and working mom Courtney Driver, Georgia

“Having kids is wonderful, but it is expensive and so we’re just excited to receive the extended child tax credit, which can now go towards groceries, clothes, activities, and other essentials.” — La Crosse mom Jillian Schams, Wisconsin

“A monthly Child Tax Credit check of $500 for my children would mean that we don’t have to worry as much about how I’m going to put food on the table. With that money, I could afford to buy beds so my twins have a place that’s their own to sleep at night. I could take them to the movies for a treat every once in a while. I could start to save toward their future, so they can go to college.” — Parent of twins Jason Claybron, Illinois

“It’ll make a huge difference. It takes a lot of pressure off. You’re able to look around you a little more clear without the pressure on your shoulders about how to pay for basic needs.” — Washington, D.C. dad, Yehesuah Downie

“Anything that can help us get our daughter into safe and accessible childcare is really important. And I know a lot of families aren’t able to do that. It’s really important that these kind of things continue to happen, so we can support those who are most vulnerable.” — Mom and business owner, Ashley Comans, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania

“This will help me pay for a babysitter during the summer and enable me to send my kids to camp for child care. Babysitting fees are $245 per week — and camp is $200 to $250 per week. To get help with these expenses, it allows me to continue to work. I don’t have family in the area to rely on.” — Single mother of two children, Christine Somers, Dallas, Pennsylvania

“I’m excited about the childcare tax credit because it helps us pay for babysitters and for camp for our older daughter.” — Mom and business owner, Deborah Eisenberg, McCandless, Pennsylvania

“Every little bit is going to help right now. I’m paying for school out-of-pocket. I’m paying for the boys’ stuff. The cost of food and everything else has gone up. We’re just really thankful. The tide feels like it’s turning.” — Katie Strelka, mother of two, Brookfield, Wisconsin

“I can breathe a little bit more.” — Michelle Rodriguez, mother of three, San Diego, California

“It’s just been a big help that we’re able to have access to all these options for just working people now, because last year the working people didn’t get much attention.” — Montgomery mom, Brittany Chatman, Alabama
