While President Biden Delivers for Wisconsin, Trump Left Wisconsinites Behind

As President Biden rallies in Madison, Wisconsin today, DNC Spokesperson Addy Toevs released the following statement:

“Donald Trump doesn’t know the first thing about delivering for middle-class families because he’s too busy promising handouts for his ultra-wealthy campaign donors. Trump presided over the loss of 80,000 jobs for Wisconsin families during his tenure and promised thousands of jobs that never materialized from the Foxconn deal that led to millions in taxpayer dollars wasted. There is just one candidate in this race fighting for good jobs for Wisconsin families: Joe Biden. Since President Biden took office, 180,000 jobs have been created in Wisconsin. President Biden is fighting for Wisconsinites, while Donald Trump would leave them behind all over again.”

Donald Trump promised up to 13,000 new jobs in Wisconsin from the Foxconn deal. With a golden shovel in hand, he called it the “eighth wonder of the world” and lauded it as a “wonderful trade deal.” As Wisconsinites know, the jobs never materialized

Washington Post: “Trump promised this Wisconsin town a manufacturing boom. It never arrived.”

Bloomberg: “It was going to be one of the biggest deals of Donald Trump’s presidency. But it was a mirage…”

“That heavily subsidized deal with the Taiwanese manufacturing giant that Trump helped broker has turned out to be, at best, a fraction of what was touted: a much smaller factory footprint with just over 1,000 jobs rather than the 13,000 jobs promised. The site is still largely a sprawling field.”

Strong Towns: “Wisconsin Foxconn Deal Cost Taxpayers Millions—And It Will Continue To Cost More Millions”

Trump has vowed to double down on his extreme tax scam, extending and even expanding his disastrous policies, which would give handouts to the wealthiest .01 percent of Americans and big corporations while leaving working Wisconsin families behind. 

Americans For Tax Fairness: “Billionaires Are $2.2 Trillion Richer Since 2017 Trump-GOP Tax Law”

CBS News: “Two years after Trump tax cuts, middle-class Americans are falling behind”

The Guardian: “They were billed as a ‘middle-class miracle’ but according to a new book Donald Trump’s $1.5tn tax cuts have helped billionaires pay a lower rate than the working class for the first time in history.”

Forbes: “Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018”

Bloomberg: “Trump Tells CEOs He Would Cut Corporate Tax Rate to 20%”

Trump to wealthy donors: “You’re rich as hell… we’re gonna give you tax cuts”

Trump: “I gave the biggest tax cut [including to corporations]… we’d like to get it down lower actually.”

Donald Trump disrespects Wisconsin families – infamously calling the city of Milwaukee “horrible.” 

WPR: “Democrats look to use Donald Trump’s ‘horrible city’ comment as rallying cry.”

 “The Democratic National Committee announced its billboard campaign Friday. The DNC will roll out ten new billboards across Milwaukee with Trump’s quote on it.

“‘Trump hates Milwaukee because Milwaukeeans know exactly who he is — a sore loser who they’re going to make a two-time loser this November,’ DNC spokesperson Addy Toevs said in a statement. 

Newser: “Dems Are Running With Trump’s Milwaukee Comment”

“Donald Trump was quoted as calling Milwaukee a ‘horrible city’ in remarks to Republican lawmakers Thursday, and Democrats want to make sure Milwaukeeans know about it. The Democratic National Committee is launching 10 billboards around the city with Trump’s face and the all-caps quote, ‘Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city,’ the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. ‘The dislike is mutual—in 2020, Wisconsin handed Trump a one-way ticket back to exile in Mar-a-Lago and sent President Biden to the Oval Office,”’DNC spokesperson Addy Toevs said in a statement. ‘In November, they’ll do it again.’”

In contrast, President Biden continues to deliver for Wisconsin, delivering meaningful investments and helping create good-paying jobs in the state. 

Associated Press: “Biden lauds new Microsoft center on the same site where Trump’s Foxconn project failed”

HHS: “7,895 child care programs in Wisconsin have received American Rescue Plan stabilization support, impacting up to 326,700 children” 

HHS: “The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provided Wisconsin with $357.0 million for their Child Care Stabilization program. The Child Care Stabilization program helped center and family child care providers with operational costs like wages, rent, and supplies. These funds were critical to helping child care centers and family child care providers in Wisconsin remain open or reopen, paying child care workers, and providing families with more reliable options for high quality care while they work.” 

White House: Wisconsin has received 7.1 billion in public infrastructure, semiconductor, and clean energy investments under the Biden administration.