While President Biden Stands Strong Against Russian Aggression, Republicans Side with Putin and Trump

Over the past several weeks, President Biden and his administration have stepped up and rallied our allies to lead a strong, united front in the face of Russian aggression. Instead of coming together and joining President Biden and our democratic allies in the name of national security, many Republican leaders have chosen to defer toh Vladimir Putin.

But why would anyone be surprised? These same Republicans stood silently by for four years while Donald Trump sold out our allies and national reputation to Russia. It’s the same old story, just a different day. 

A number of leading Republicans are refusing to confront Russian aggression, and trying to shift blame from Putin to President Biden. 

New York Times: “Republican Rift on Ukraine Could Undercut U.S. Appeals to Allies”

Axios: “Republicans running in high-profile primary races aren’t racing to defend Ukraine against a possible Russian invasion. They’re settling on a different line of attack: Blame Biden, not Putin.”

HuffPost: “With the Ukraine crisis dominating headlines and sparking fears of a global conflict, Republicans are scrambling to convince voters that the tense geopolitical situation is President Joe Biden’s fault. But conservatives just can’t agree on what Biden is doing wrong.”

But who’s surprised? Republicans spent four years enabling Donald Trump while he coddled Russia and destroyed the United States’ global reputation.

CNN: “After four years of silently watching — or supporting — Trump complimenting the Russian President (tweeting, ‘I always knew he was very smart!’), and dissing US intelligence agencies on issues like Russian election interference (‘President Putin says it’s not Russia. I don’t see any reason why it would be.’), what are [Republicans] to do now that Russia has 100,000 troops at the Ukrainian border?”

Washington Post: “GOP senators protect Trump administration’s plan to lift Russian sanctions”

Washington Post: “Republicans defend Trump as concerned with Ukrainian corruption but aides tell a different story”

New York Times: “The president’s extraordinary news conference with Mr. Putin in Helsinki, Finland, stunned Republicans across the ideological spectrum … Yet no Republican in Congress pledged any particular action to punish Mr. Trump, such as holding up his nominees or delaying legislation, nor did any Republican promise hearings or increased oversight.”

NBC News: “Other GOP members defended the president’s performance. Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, during their weekly press conference, stood by Trump Tuesday.”

Meanwhile, President Biden is demonstrating leadership, presenting a clear and forceful message to Russia, and standing strong with our allies in the face of Russian aggression. 

Wall Street Journal: “Biden Seeks to Reassure Ukraine, Vowing a Strong Response to Russia and Transferring Weapons”

New York Times: “In Standoff With Putin, Biden Makes Sure European Allies Are With Him”

New York Times: “The United States, European officials say, has acted with energy and some dexterity in orchestrating the response to Russia’s threatening moves. Since mid-November, it has conducted at least 180 senior-level meetings or other contacts with European officials. Some marvel at having their American counterparts on speed dial.”
