Who Ghost-Wrote McCarthy’s Extreme “Plan” for America?
September 21, 2022

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy has been teasing his midterm agenda for weeks now — but we don’t need to see what’s in it because Republicans have already come out and said what they plan to do if they take back control.
The GOP’s “unifying agenda” is to ban abortion, undo efforts to lower the cost of lifesaving prescription drugs, and gut Social Security and Medicare. Don’t believe us? Just take it from them:
Sen. Lindsey Graham: “If we take back the House and the Senate, I can assure you we’ll have a vote on our [national abortion ban]. If the Democrats are in charge, I don’t know if we’ll ever have a vote on our [ban].”
Rep. Buddy Carter: “Just like in the [Inflation Reduction Act]… with the prescription drug pricing… and I’ve been asking my colleagues — how are we going to undo that when we get in the majority?”
NBC News: “[Sen. Ron Johnson] told a radio show that Social Security and Medicare should be axed as ‘mandatory’ programs… meaning Congress would have to renew them yearly or they’d end.”
NBC News: “The Republican Study Committee, a large group of House conservatives, proposed a budget in June that would incrementally raise the retirement age to collect Social Security… and lower benefits over the long term by using a new formula.”
This wildly unpopular plan was ghost-written by the most extreme elements of his caucus — including Georgia GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who worked on one of the plan’s policy task forces. Greene said she was “excited” about the final product that she and other extreme House Freedom Caucus members were able to create.
POLITICO: “McCarthy’s four-part agenda has widespread buy-in among House Republicans, including high-profile GOP candidates… That appears to include prominent members of the House Freedom Caucus who weighed in on the McCarthy-backed blueprint…”
POLITICO: “‘… I am excited about it,” first-term Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said, adding that she’s been involved in one of the plan’s task forces.”
Make no mistake: Kevin McCarthy is completely beholden to the most extreme members of his party and Republicans will follow through on this plan if they take control. Americans simply cannot afford the GOP’s radical agenda.