WTF? MAGA Mike Johnson Is Blocking His Own Calls for a Border Security Bill
February 13, 2024

In response to MAGA Mike Johnson rejecting his own demands for border security legislation, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:
“MAGA Mike Johnson is once again putting partisan politics and Donald Trump ahead of America’s national security and the border. He can’t even go one week without contradicting himself on border security – first saying that a bipartisan deal to secure the border is ‘dead on arrival,’ and now signaling he will block the Senate’s national security bill because of… border security. Every time he bends the knee to Trump instead of working to secure the border, Johnson is just making sure that the next thing dead on arrival will be his speakership in January.”
MAGA Mike Johnson is calling for border security legislation – despite rejecting bipartisan legislation to secure the border JUST LAST WEEK.
Axios: “Mike Johnson signals blockade of Senate national security bill”
The Hill: “Johnson slammed the package for excluding border security provisions … But earlier this month … Johnson declared the foreign-aid-plus-border-security package dead on arrival.”
Johnson shamefully dismissed Border Patrol agents’ support of the bipartisan bill to improve border security, claiming they only support it because they want better pay.
Laura Ingraham: “The Border Patrol union has come out and said the bill is better than the status quo. Does that affect your thinking on this?”
Johnson: “Well, I think it does have something to do with the pay structure that’s in the bill. I understand that they’re desperate for measures that will assist.”
Johnson rejected the bipartisan border security legislation despite repeatedly calling for action to secure the border and saying it “is a job for Congress.”
Johnson: “Our immigration system is broken. Reforming that system is a job for Congress.”
Johnson: “The crisis at our southern border has deteriorated to such an extent that significant action can wait no longer.”
Johnson: “We must insist — must insist — that the border be the top priority.”
Johnson: “I do think it’s past time to secure the border.”
Johnson: “I have said that very clearly from day one, we have to solve the [border] problem.”