The Women’s Leadership Forum (WLF) serves as the Democratic Party’s centralized hub for activation, information, and fundraising for Democratic women and their allies. This year, we are celebrating the 30th Anniversary of WLF!



The WLF recruits and engages women in Democratic politics. Today, we’re proud to see that women are more engaged in the political sphere than ever. They’re getting involved on the ground level as organizers and fundraisers, and they’re running for office in record numbers. But research shows that women are historically less likely than men to run for public office or participate in political fundraising. The WLF is committed to eliminating the gender disparity in politics by encouraging women to join our ranks and support the Democratic Party. The WLF ensures that women’s voices and values continue to be represented by our party leadership, because we are the party that fights for women.

Support for women candidates

The WLF works to close the gender gap by raising funds for the DNC, which, in turn, engages women activists at the grassroots level.

Closing the gender gap in presidential fundraising ranks

The WLF works to close the fundraising gender gap by focusing its fundraising efforts on women. Historically, men have dominated the fundraising ranks and outnumbered women bundlers. Female candidates also traditionally raised less than their male counterparts. But the tide is turning due to strong women who have added their names to ballots across the country and the help of organizations like the WLF.


In 1993, Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, and 36 women gathered to discuss ways to give women a greater voice in the national party. The outcome was a new DNC finance council called the Women’s Leadership Forum. Its mission is to ensure that women have a seat at the table and remain an integral part of the Democratic National Committee. Since its formation, the WLF has established a strong record of outreach and fundraising for the Democratic Party.

In 1994, Tipper Gore was named the first WLF Honorary Chair. In the year leading up to the 1996 election, First Lady Hillary Clinton and Tipper Gore hosted dozens of WLF events across the country.

What started out primarily as a finance council for women to elevate their voices by raising funds, now exists as a way to amplify women’s voices within the party. Today, our Women’s Leadership Forum is run by our dynamic Steering Committee: Cynthia Friedman, Virginia McGregor, Regina Montoya, Carol Pensky, Diane Robertson and Ursula Terrasi.

The annual Women’s Leadership Forum Conference has been a marquee Democratic Party event, hosting the leaders of the Democratic Party year after year. We hope you’ll join the Women’s Leadership Forum to continue to elevate women in the party.


The mission of the Women’s Leadership Forum is to raise women’s voices and influence within the Democratic Party by serving as the centralized hub for activation, information, and significant fundraising for Democratic women and their allies. Specifically, the WLF creates an active network of women who work closely with state and local parties to elect Democrats by:

  • Engaging women in policy and platform discussions, providing opportunities for them to voice their opinions and help shape the party.
  • Organizing regional and national events, trainings, and networking opportunities.
  • Communicating regularly via informational briefs, talking points, and rapid response information.
  • Raising funds for the Democratic Party and its candidates.
  • Recruiting and cultivating a diverse group of new women leaders as well as progressive allies to the party.

The Women’s Leadership Forum Conference

Every year, the WLF hosts an annual issues conference in Washington D.C. to showcase rising stars and trailblazing women in the Democratic Party. It is an inspiring and uplifting day of trainings, speakers, and panels. We also gather to honor a woman Democratic leader with the Hillary Rodham Clinton Trailblazer Award. The recipient of this award embodies the mission and values of the WLF.

Interested in becoming a WLF member? Join here. 

WLF Membership includes:

  • Invitations to national WLF calls, WLF newsletters, & exclusive DNC communications
  • Invitation to join WLF working groups & regional networks
  • Invitations to DNC fundraising events all over the country

For more information, please contact:

Sonia Woiton
Women’s Leadership Forum Director