DNC Delivers Nearly $2 Million in New Grants to Boost Down-Ballot Wins, Total Funding to State Parties Now Reaches Over $20 Million This Cycle

Today, the Democratic National Committee announced nearly $2 million in targeted investments to state parties in the run-up to November, leveraging the DNC’s record-breaking fundraising to strategically infuse funds in traditionally red and blue states with the goal of strengthening coordinated campaigns and boosting Democratic wins in down-ballot races. This new funding is part of the DNC’s significant, ongoing investments in state parties since President Biden took office and Jaime Harrison became Chair of the DNC. Under President Biden and Chair Harrison’s leadership, the DNC has increased its yearly investment in state parties by 25 percent and delivered the largest-ever investment in state parties from the DNC cycle to date. 

These newest investments include:

  • Targeted dollars to help Democrats win down-ballot in Republican-held states, like the U.S. Senate race in Texas or breaking the supermajority in the Kansas legislature.
  • Tailored investments for what is needed most for state parties and coordinated campaigns to win in states. For example, in Minnesota, these investments will help support the DFL’s return of their first-of-its-kind apartments program to get accurate data, communicate with, and organize people who live in apartments in Minneapolis, and in Texas, the money will fund organizing staff across the state. 
  • Six-figures worth of new money for hiring of Black, AAPI, Youth, and Native American organizers.
  • Learn more about the DNC’s historic investments in state parties here.

“Everywhere Democrats are on the ballot this November – from the school board to the White House – we’re fighting to win. The Democratic National Committee is delivering nearly $2 million in new grants for state parties to aid Democrats in down-ballot races in November, from boosting on-the-ground organizing power to strengthening data infrastructure,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “As we work hand in hand with the Biden-Harris campaign to hold the White House, we’re investing now to build infrastructure and win big up and down the ballot because we know the stakes couldn’t be higher. This latest investment is a boost to the DNC’S record-setting support for state parties under President Biden, the best Party-builder Democrats have had in decades.  These ongoing investments will drive Democratic wins so that we can safeguard our fundamental freedoms, be it in red, purple, or blue states across America.”

“We are thrilled to award nearly $2 million in grants across red and blue states to further strengthen the DNC’s historic investments in Democratic state parties,” said ASDC President Ken Martin. “The Democratic Party is committed to supporting the critical work state parties lead in building real trust and relationships with voters on the ground and the partnership between the DNC and state parties remains strong. Today’s announced funding, tailor made to meet the individual needs of state parties – whether in rural or urban, red or blue states – will strengthen and expand Democrats’ organizing programs for years to come as we continue our commitment to defend Americans’ interests and fundamental rights in all 57 states and territories.”

Examples of the latest state party investments:

Colorado: Colorado is a rapidly growing state and one of the youngest in the country. With many young people reaching voting age for the first time, the DNC invested six-figures for campus organizing programming across the state. These efforts will solidify Democrats’ status in the state for years to come. In total, the DNC has invested upwards of $470k this cycle thus far in the state. 

Indiana: The DNC is investing five-figures into Indiana to help cover the state party’s data and organizing infrastructure. These efforts will be crucial in supporting legislative races in the central part of the state, where Democrats are fighting to hold the seats of three incumbent state legislators and targeting five Republican seats. A four-seat gain allows Democrats to break the GOP supermajority for the first time in 12 years. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of $535k this cycle thus far in the state. 

Kansas: The DNC is investing another $55k to the state party to hire new organizing staff. Democrats are only one seat away in both chambers to breaking the supermajority in the Kansas legislature, and Democrats are fighting to re-elect Rep. Sharice Davids. In total, the DNC has invested upwards of $467k this cycle thus far in the state.

Maryland: Electing Angela Alsobrooks to the Senate is key to protecting Americans’ reproductive rights. That’s why the DNC is investing $250,000 to fund coordinated campaign staff and organizers between now and November. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of $608k this cycle thus far in the state.

Minnesota: Minneapolis has one of the highest apartment renting rates in the country. Traditionally, apartments have been some of the hardest places to reach voters. That’s why the DNC is investing six-figures to fund the salaries of two full-time staff dedicated to getting accurate data, communicating with, and organizing people who live in apartments in Minneapolis, one of the first programs of its kind. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of  $476k this cycle thus far in the state.

Nebraska: The DNC is investing $40,000 to fund a rural organizer in Nebraska’s competitive Second Congressional District. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of  $512k this cycle thus far in the state. 

New Mexico: The DNC is investing over $70,000 for organizing staff that will help reelect Rep. Gabe Vasquez and with Democrats up and down the ballot. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of  $428k this cycle thus far in the state. 

South Dakota: Voter registration has declined among Native populations in the state. To increase voter participation among Native Americans across South Dakota, the DNC is investing $70,000 to cover the South Dakota Democrats’ statewide “ride to the poll” voter registration program for Native communities, supporting West River candidates, and funding a new staff dedicated to the program. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of  $477k this cycle thus far in the state.

Texas:  Texas Democrats need organizers who can help drive up turnout among a young and growing diverse electorate. That’s why the DNC is investing more than $140,000 for organizing staff and infrastructure to organize communities in diverse Texas regions. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of $515k this cycle thus far in the state. 

Utah: Utah Democrats are planning on running their first coordinated campaign since 2016. The DNC is aiding this campaign by investing $45,000 for organizing infrastructure, targeted to local community organizing and power building. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of $458K this cycle thus far in the state. 

Washington: There are three competitive congressional races in Washington. The state also has one of the biggest AAPI populations in the country, so the DNC is making a $66,000 investment to support AAPI and youth organizing. In total, the DNC has spent upwards of  $496K this cycle thus far in the state.