Hosting an In-Person Meeting or Event

After attending your 1:1 with an organizer, learning about making calls on behalf of the DNC, and what it means to host an Organize Everywhere Phone Bank Hub, it’s time to start thinking about your own phone bank! If you’ve decided to host your Hub as an in-person event, use the following steps to walk through getting set up!

One Month Out:

1. Find a location and time:

Look for a suitable venue that can accommodate your phone bank. Keep in mind how many people you intend on inviting, and what you want the atmosphere to be! If you are looking for a more casual, social gathering, consider a private residence — maybe your home, or a friend’s! Other options include community centers, library spaces, or a local Democratic office.

Work with the location to establish a time. Things to consider when picking your times:

  1. Will your Hub be gathering every other week? Once a month? 
  2. When will your invitees be most available? Do they work day jobs? Will they need to find childcare?

2. Invite and recruit attendees: 

Now that you’ve established the location and time, register your event on Mobilize so that you can start to recruit attendees. Use our “recruiting for your event” guide to reach out to your networks and recruit people to make calls with you. Now that you have a location, and time.

Two Weeks Out:

1. Gather resources: 

Ensure you have the necessary resources for your phone bank. Phone bankers will have the best experience using the Scale to Win Dialer on a laptop or tablet. Make sure that your location has WiFi access and encourage your attendees to bring their own devices and headphones.

Other items you may need in the space include: tables, chairs, extension cords, and any hard copies of materials that you plan to provide to volunteers.

2. Create an agenda: 

Determine the duration of your phone bank and create a schedule to ensure smooth operations. We have a “model agenda” you are welcome to use! Make sure to allocate time for training, breaks, and debriefing sessions. Debriefing is a vital part of the phone bank as it lets callers build connections with each other and talk about their experience.

3. Prepare training materials: 

We provide a number of resources for training callers on using the Scale to Win Dialer! If you have access to a screen/projector, you can use our training video or slide show to teach your callers about the dialer. If not, we also have step-by-step guides that you can print out and share with your callers! 

Day of the Event:

1. Check in with your DNC point of contact: 

Given that we support a number of campaigns across the country, work with your mentor to ensure you have the right call campaign. You can also check the Call Crew Call Guide to see the current campaign.

2. Set up the venue: 

Arrive early on the day of the event to set up the venue. Arrange the tables and ensure you have good WiFi, as well as any necessary power outlets. 

PRO TIP: Provide snacks and drinks! Depending on the occasion and location, pick out a few snacks to have for participants. 

During the Event:

1. Delegate tasks:  

Have a few friends you trust to help out? Assign them tasks to share the responsibilities. Maybe they can help with providing tech support or welcoming people!

2. Start with a training: 

Begin the event with a training session, utilizing our training materials, to make sure callers know how to use the dialer and are made aware of the objectives and techniques of phone banking. Address any questions or concerns and emphasize the importance of respectful and engaging conversations.

3. Start phone banking! 

Allow volunteers to begin making calls on the dialer! To get the dialer link, they can go to on their device. Here, they can find other resources as well. 

PRO TIP: If your volunteers like games or competition, make it fun! Try out phone bank bingo or find ways for them to keep track of how many calls they are making. 

1. Monitor progress and provide support: 

Throughout the event, circulate among volunteers to provide support, answer questions, and address any technical issues.

2. Debrief and collect feedback: 

At the end of the phone bank, gather volunteers for a debriefing session. Discuss their experiences, collect feedback on the event, and provide an opportunity for volunteers to share any challenges or successes they encountered. Reshift your volunteers! Before people leave, make sure they know when the next phone bank you are hosting will be, and have them sign up right then. 

PRO TIP: Use the “How to Make A Hard Ask” document to perfect your reshifting!

3. Follow up 

After the phone bank, send a follow-up message or email to participants thanking them for their efforts and providing them, once again, with the information for the next phone bank. Hosting an in-person phone bank is a great way to build community with your neighbors and provide support for Democrats! If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to your mentor and staff point of contact. We are here for you!