Minnesota GOP Falls Apart As They Fall in Line with Trump’s Extremism at State Convention

Following the Minnesota GOP bending the knee to Donald Trump and his extreme, anti-freedom agenda at their state convention, DNC spokesperson Stephanie Justice released the following statement: “By inviting Donald Trump to headline their state convention, Minnesota GOP leaders demonstrated once again that they are spineless supporters of Trump and… Read More

Glenn Youngkin Continues to Undermine Women’s Freedoms, Doubling Down on a Losing Strategy

In response to Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoing legislation to protect access to contraception, DNC spokesperson Jackie Bush released the following statement:  “Last fall, MAGA extremist Glenn Youngkin witnessed Virginia voters reject his attempts to attack women’s reproductive rights at the ballot box. Clearly, Governor Youngkin didn’t learn his lesson. Read More

100 Days After Trump Tanked the Bipartisan Border Deal, MAGA Republicans Are Still Standing in the Way of Border Security

100 days after Donald Trump tanked the bipartisan border security bill, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “100 days ago, Donald Trump directed his MAGA minions in the House to put one man’s political ambitions ahead of their constituents and their duty to our nation –… Read More

The Biden-Harris Administration Continues To Deliver Better Health Outcomes for Rural Americans, As Trump Pledges To Take It All Away

DNC Director of Outreach Communications Tracy King released the following statement:  “Donald Trump’s dream of killing the Affordable Care Act and gutting Medicare and Social Security would be a nightmare for rural communities across the United States. If Trump had his way, millions of rural Americans would lose their health… Read More

Thanks to Donald Trump, Women in North Carolina Live Under an Extreme Abortion Ban

Today, a year after North Carolina Republicans overrode Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of their extreme abortion ban, DNC spokesperson Jackie Bush released the following statement: “Today, North Carolina women remember the terror of witnessing their MAGA state representatives override Democrats’ efforts to preserve their reproductive rights — and know exactly… Read More