Sunday Scaries: Trump’s Surrogates Spew Baseless Election-Denying Lies and Conspiracy Theories

In response to Trump’s surrogates pushing baseless lies about the 2020 election on the Sunday shows, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “J.D. Vance, Kari Lake, and Lindsey Graham each took to the airwaves today to parrot Donald Trump’s dangerous attacks on our democracy. From pushing… Read More

President Biden and Vice President Harris are Fighting for Equity and Opportunity for All Mothers 

“This Mother’s Day, we celebrate the remarkable contributions mothers make to our families, communities, and nation. Since day one in office, President Biden and Vice President Harris have championed measures to empower America’s mothers – from equal pay and economic opportunity, to support for child care and elder care, to… Read More

Fraudster Paul Manafort is Far From the Only Crook, Convict, and Conspiracy Theorist in Trump’s Inner Orbit 

Following today’s announcement that convicted fraudster Paul Manafort had been involved in GOP convention efforts and would now “support President Trump every other way [he] can,” DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “Paul Manafort isn’t the first convicted felon to have a prominent role in Donald… Read More

IN THE STATES: Democrats Defend Freedoms and Deliver Investments While Trump Unleashes Chaos  

In sharp contrast to Trump and his MAGA minions’ extremism, this week, Democrats reached voters in communities across the country to uplift historic investments and cost-cutting policies championed by the Biden administration.  In Arizona: AZ Mirror: Biden focuses on health care costs in new battleground ad launching in Arizona… Read More

SHOT/CHASER: Lara Trump Tries to Whitewash Donald Trump’s Election Denying Record… Even As He’s STILL Lying About the 2020 Election 

In response to Lara Trump falsely claiming Donald Trump accepts election results, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “The American people are not falling for Lara Trump’s sad and desperate attempts to whitewash Donald Trump’s election denialism as he actively continues to push baseless lies… Read More