Press Releases
DNC, DNC Black Caucus ‘Chop it Up’ Virtually with Black Voters
05/15/2020Congressman Clyburn says the 2020 election “is the most consequential election of my lifetime.” Yesterday, the Democratic National Committee and DNC Black Caucus hosted Making the American Dream Accessible and Affordable for Black Men, a national conversation with the U.S. Majority Whip Jim Clyburn and Black… Read More
WATCH: White House Triples Down On Attacking Preexisting Condition Protections
05/15/2020 -
Trump’s Talking Heads Can’t Distract Marylanders From His Chaotic Coronavirus Response
05/15/2020 -
Trump’s Corrupt Recovery: A $27 Million Bailout For His Donor’s Private Jets
05/15/2020 -
Trump Thinks Testing Is ‘Overrated’
05/15/2020 -
Republicans Follow Trump’s Lead and Restrict Voting by Mail
05/15/2020 -
Trump’s To Blame For Staggering Unemployment Numbers
05/14/2020 -
Dr. Bright: Trump Ignored Warnings And Lives Were Lost
05/14/2020 -
DNC on Latest Unemployment Numbers
05/14/2020 -
Dr. Bright: Trump Still Has No Plan