Press Releases
First Quarter Expenditures Reveal The Truth Behind the GOP Tax Scam
05/30/2018In response to corporations’ reported surge in first quarter earnings, DNC spokesperson Daniel Wessel released the following statement: “Trump and Republicans said the Trump tax would spur investment and create jobs. That was a lie. First quarter earnings reveal the truth behind the GOP tax scam -- corporations are using their massive tax windfalls Read More
DNC on Trump’s Tearing Children From Their Parents at the Border
05/29/2018 -
Trump’s Presidency: Corruption, Conflicts and Conspiracies
05/29/2018 -
Over Weekend, Gas Prices Trump Said He Had ‘Tremendous Power Over’ Hit High
05/29/2018 -
Executives Reveal Trump Tax Lies: It’s Won’t Trickle Down To Workers
05/29/2018 -
DNC Chair Tom Perez, DNC Vice Chairs Michael Blake and Grace Meng, and DNC Treasurer Bill Derrough r
05/28/2018 -
DNC on the Passing of Herman “Denny” Farrell, Jr.
05/27/2018 -
Trump Said He Has ‘Power Over’ Gas Prices, They Increase Everywhere
05/24/2018 -
Trump-Republican Agenda: Higher Premiums, Higher Gas Prices, Record Profits For Corporations And Bi
05/24/2018 -
The Hill: CBO: ObamaCare premiums to rise 15%