Press Releases
Cassidy-Graham-Heller Repeal Plan Would Make It Harder for Alaskans to Combat Opioid Crisis
09/21/2017The Cassidy-Graham-Heller repeal plan would have a devastating impact on Alaska’s ability to combat the opioid crisis. In addition to dismantling Medicaid with a $844 million program cut in 2027 alone and the end of the Medicaid expansion, it would allow insurers to drop the ACA’s required coverage for substance abuse treatment. In particular Medicaid, Read More
Cassidy-Graham-Heller Repeal Plan Would Make It Harder for Arizonans to Combat Opioid Crisis
09/21/2017 -
Trump to Spend 76th Day at One of His Properties, Wasting Taxpayer Dollars
09/20/2017 -
Republicans Are Putting Politics Before The People They Represent
09/20/2017 -
DNC Chair Tom Perez on Lack of Opioid Funding in Graham-Cassidy-Heller Bill
09/20/2017 -
The Arizona Republic: President Trump’s August rally cost Phoenix taxpayers more than $450,000
09/20/2017 -
Latest GOP Health Care Repeal Would be Devastating for Latinos
09/20/2017 -
Where Does Kim Guadagno Stand on Latest Republican Repeal Plan?
09/20/2017 -
DNC on Tom Price Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Private Jets
09/20/2017 -
Graham-Cassidy-Heller Worst Health Repeal Yet for Alaskans