Press Releases
Democrats Are Expanding Access to Health Care, Republicans Are Taking it Away
09/13/2017In response to the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson health care bill released today and the efforts by Senate and House Democrats to expand access to health care, DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement: “Once again, Republicans in Congress are ignoring the will of the American people. Like each of their previous attempts, this bill would sabotage our health care Read More
TODAY: DNC Voting Rights Commission to Hold Press Call
09/12/2017 -
Trump, GOP Secretly Plot Tax Cuts For The Rich
09/12/2017 -
DNC Voting Rights Commission Blasts Trump Voter Suppression Efforts
09/12/2017 -
DNC Chair Tom Perez on 9/11 Anniversary
09/11/2017 -
TOMORROW: Tom Perez Heads to Virginia to Speak at Event with NextGen America, Immigrant Rights Group
09/11/2017 -
Democrats Organize Across the Country on Labor Day Weekend of Action for Working Families
09/07/2017 -
DNC Announces New Investments In The Washington Democratic Party
09/07/2017 -
DACA By The Numbers
09/02/2017 -
MEMO: Trump Policies Hurting Hardworking Americans