Press Releases
Latest GOP Health Care Repeal Would be Devastating for Latinos
09/20/2017Just days after Donald Trump proclaimed Hispanic Heritage Month, his own Senate Republicans are once again trying to force a last-minute vote on a health care repeal bill that would greatly harm the Latino community. The Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson bill is even worse than previous failed attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act as it would gut Read More
Where Does Kim Guadagno Stand on Latest Republican Repeal Plan?
09/20/2017 -
DNC on Tom Price Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Private Jets
09/20/2017 -
Graham-Cassidy-Heller Worst Health Repeal Yet for Alaskans
09/19/2017 -
Graham-Cassidy-Heller Worst Health Repeal Yet for Nevadans
09/19/2017 -
Graham-Cassidy-Heller Worst Health Repeal Yet for Mainers
09/19/2017 -
Graham-Cassidy-Heller Worst Health Repeal Yet for Coloradans
09/19/2017 -
Graham-Cassidy-Heller Worst Health Repeal Yet for West Virginians
09/19/2017 -
Graham-Cassidy-Heller Worst Health Repeal Yet for Arizonans
09/19/2017 -
Graham-Cassidy-Heller Worst Health Repeal Yet for Iowans