Press Releases
DNC on Jeff Sessions’ Alliance Defending Freedom Speech
07/11/2017This evening, Attorney General Jeff Sessions will deliver a closed-door speech to the anti-LGBTQ Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). In response, DNC spokesperson Joel Kasnetz released this statement: “You can judge a person by the company they keep and tonight - Attorney General Jeff Sessions is choosing to spend his time speaking in front of one Read More
Study: Affordable Care Act Is Not Failing, Unless GOP Keeps Up Sabotage
07/11/2017 -
NEW VIDEO: DNC & Louisiana Democratic Party Highlight Krista’s Story and Impact of Republican Repeal
07/11/2017 -
DNC on Donald Trump Jr’s Email Exchange
07/11/2017 -
Tom Perez on Marine Corps Plane Crash
07/11/2017 -
5:30 PM ET: Democrats Live with Ellison, Franken, González
07/11/2017 -
DNC Statement on Donald Trump Jr.
07/11/2017 -
DNC Announces Unprecedented Investments in State Democratic Parties
07/10/2017 -
A Long History: Agalarov, Trump and Vladimir Putin
07/10/2017 -
DNC on Trump Not Being Tough on Russia