Press Releases
Trump’s Attacks On Our Allies Make Us Less Safe, Diminish U.S. Leadership
07/05/2017By bashing the G20 members and the NATO alliance, Donald Trump has diminished the credibility and endangered the national security of the United States. A new Pew poll shows Trump’s unhinged behavior has “alarmed citizens of the nation’s closest allies and others worldwide, diminishing the standing of the United States in their eyes.” International opinion of the United States has tumbled 15% since Donald Trumpbecame president. America’s Read More
FACT CHECK: Trump’s Tweets Mislead On The Economy
07/05/2017 -
DNC on Automakers Cutting U.S. Jobs
07/05/2017 -
DNC on Trump’s Alarming Voter Data Collection
07/01/2017 -
Tom Perez on New CBO Score of Senate GOP Health Care Repeal
06/30/2017 -
DNC Responds To Attempts To End DACA
06/30/2017 -
Senator Murkowski Comes Home to Brutal Headlines Condemning Cruel Senate Repeal Bill
06/30/2017 -
Senator Heller Comes Home to Brutal Headlines Condemning Cruel Senate Repeal Bill
06/30/2017 -
Senators Grassley and Ernst Come Home to Brutal Headlines Condemning Cruel Senate Repeal Bill
06/30/2017 -
Senator Collins Comes Home to Brutal Headlines Condemning Cruel Senate Repeal Bill