Press Releases
Cassidy-Graham-Heller Repeal Plan Would Make It Harder for West Virginians to Combat Opioid Crisis
09/21/2017Today, Jeff Sessions descended on West Virginia and made more empty promises to help fight the opioid crisis plaguing the state. Conveniently, the Attorney General forgot to mention that the Cassidy-Graham-Heller repeal plan his administration is fighting for would have a devastating impact on West Virginia’s ability to combat the opioid crisis. In addition to Read More
Cassidy-Graham-Heller Repeal Plan Would Make It Harder for Nevadans to Combat Opioid Crisis
09/21/2017 -
Cassidy-Graham-Heller Repeal Plan Would Make It Harder for Alaskans to Combat Opioid Crisis
09/21/2017 -
Cassidy-Graham-Heller Repeal Plan Would Make It Harder for Arizonans to Combat Opioid Crisis
09/21/2017 -
Trump to Spend 76th Day at One of His Properties, Wasting Taxpayer Dollars
09/20/2017 -
Republicans Are Putting Politics Before The People They Represent
09/20/2017 -
DNC Chair Tom Perez on Lack of Opioid Funding in Graham-Cassidy-Heller Bill
09/20/2017 -
The Arizona Republic: President Trump’s August rally cost Phoenix taxpayers more than $450,000
09/20/2017 -
Latest GOP Health Care Repeal Would be Devastating for Latinos
09/20/2017 -
Where Does Kim Guadagno Stand on Latest Republican Repeal Plan?