Press Releases
Tom Perez Talks Infrastructure, Jobs, and Rebuilding the Democratic Party in Ohio
06/12/2017Last week, after Donald Trump’s speech in Cincinnati to pitch Ohio voters on his massive handouts to Wall Street and special interests as an infrastructure plan, DNC Chair Tom Perez traveled across Ohio to meet with hardworking Ohioans who are demanding real investments in Ohio’s infrastructure that use American products, create jobs for American Read More
Tom Perez Statement on Trump Administration’s Reversal of ‘Persuader Rule’
06/12/2017 -
Tom Perez on Anniversary of Pulse Massacre
06/12/2017 -
Trump’s Budget Slashes Workforce Development
06/12/2017 -
Trumpcare Could Be Deadly For New Moms, People in Opioid Recovery
06/12/2017 -
Tom Perez On Senate Republicans Negotiating Health Care In Secrecy
06/12/2017 -
DNC on Sessions’ Testimony Tomorrow
06/12/2017 -
The Swamp Just Got 10 Feet Deeper: Trump’s Conflicts Of Interest Get Even Worse
06/12/2017 -
Ten Questions For Attorney General Sessions
06/12/2017 -
“While Everyone Was Obsessing Over Comey, Republicans Passed A Bill To Kill Dodd-Frank”