Press Releases
Trump’s Conflicts of Interest Continue to Pile Up
05/19/2017While Trump goes on his first international trip, there is growing concern about his conflicts of interest and his family’s brazen efforts to exploit the presidency for their personal gain, putting their own interests ahead of the security of the American people. Here’s some of the newly reported conflicts that you may have missed this Read More
Tom Perez on WH-Confirmed Oval Office Conversation
05/19/2017 -
Trump’s Baggage: A History of Insults Towards Saudi Arabia
05/19/2017 -
Trump, GOP Sabotage Health Insurance Markets
05/19/2017 -
Growing Evidence of Trump’s Interference in Russia Investigation
05/19/2017 -
DNC Announces CEO Jess O’Connell
05/19/2017 -
Tom Perez on FCC Vote to Begin Rollback of Net Neutrality Protections
05/18/2017 -
DNC makes major field investment in GA-06 Special Election
05/18/2017 -
Donald Trump Jr. in Dubai Discussing New Foreign Deal
05/18/2017 -
The ACA Continues to Save More Americans, While Trump and GOP Continue Trying to Repeal It