Matt Gaetz Doubles Down on Threats of Political Violence With Trump’s Infamous Call to Proud Boys: “Stand Back and Stand By”

In response to Matt Gaetz invoking Donald Trump’s infamous comments telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by,” DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “Donald Trump is surrounding himself today with disgraced MAGA extremists like Matt Gaetz, who is shamelessly invoking Trump’s infamous… Read More

SPLIT SCREEN: President Biden Puts American Workers First While Trump Sells Out (Again) to Ultra-Wealthy Backers

As Donald Trump cozies up to his billionaire donors tonight and pushes his failed MAGAnomics agenda to rig the economy for the ultra-wealthy, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “Tonight, Donald Trump is once again busy promising his ultra-wealthy friends another round of handouts and… Read More

Donald Trump Calls In Emotional Support

As Donald Trump receives emotional support in New York today from his desperate MAGA minions, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “Donald Trump is convening the saddest posse of MAGA loyalists in Lower Manhattan today, desperate for emotional support and political cover as he… Read More

After Trump Made Infrastructure Week a Joke, President Biden Is Delivering an Infrastructure Decade

As the Biden-Harris administration kicks off this year’s Infrastructure Week, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “President Biden is delivering an infrastructure decade for the American people after Donald Trump made infrastructure week nothing more than a long-running punchline. While Trump repeatedly failed to deliver… Read More

MAGA Republicans Are Lying And Scaremongering With Fake Election Denier Conspiracy Theories After Refusing To Secure the Border

In response to Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson spreading more scaremongering election denial nonsense after falling in line with Donald Trump’s demands to tank the bipartisan border deal, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “Donald Trump and MAGA Mike Johnson refused to solve the real issue… Read More