Trump’s Bans: Tennessee Republicans Enacted a Cruel Abortion Ban That Threatened Doctors and Had No Exceptions for Rape or Incest Thanks to Trump

Donald Trump said it himself: Without him, none of the extreme abortion bans being pushed by MAGA Republicans across the country would be possible. With Trump now closing in on the Republican nomination, we’re reminding voters of the severe consequences of his anti-choice extremism and what is at stake for… Read More

President Biden Lowers Prescription Drug Costs as Trump Rails Against Affordable Health Care 

Following President Biden’s announcement today to hold Big Pharma accountable and deliver for America’s seniors, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “President Biden took on Big Pharma and won, and now he’s delivering on his promise to lower prescription drug costs and ensure Americans can access… Read More

Trump’s Bans: Idaho Republicans Threaten Doctors With Jail Time By Passing a Near-Total Abortion Ban Thanks to Trump

Donald Trump said it himself: Without him, none of the extreme abortion bans being pushed by MAGA Republicans across the country would be possible. With Trump now closing in on the Republican nomination, we’re reminding voters of the severe consequences of his anti-choice extremism and what is at stake for… Read More

Ronna McDaniel: Republicans Need To Talk More About Their Extreme Anti-Abortion Agendas 

In response to RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel taking some advice from the DNC and encouraging Republicans to tell voters about their extreme anti-abortion agendas, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “Ronna McDaniel wants Republicans to talk more about their extreme anti-choice agendas, and we couldn’t agree… Read More

Holocaust Remembrance Day

In recognition of Holocaust Remembrance Day, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement. “About 79 years ago, six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Others were also targeted during the tragedy: Roma and Sinti, Slavs, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and racial minorities.  “We… Read More

Trump Turns His Back on Arizonans – Again

In response to Donald Trump backing out of a campaign event in Arizona, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “Donald Trump doesn’t want to talk to voters in Arizona, and it’s no wonder why: He failed them time and again throughout his four years in office,… Read More