IN THE STATES: President Biden and Vice President Harris Rally for Reproductive Freedom and Deliver Investments As MAGA Republicans Attack Abortion

With Florida’s extreme abortion ban taking effect on Wednesday, Democrats kicked off the week hammering Donald Trump for ripping away reproductive health care from women across the country. Vice President Harris traveled to Florida to rally for women’s reproductive freedom, while Democrats launched messaging campaigns in Florida, as well as… Read More

Southern Democratic Party Chairs Hold Trump Accountable for His Abortion Bans Across the South on Eve of FL’s Extreme Ban Taking Effect

This morning, the DNC hosted a press call with Southern state Democratic Party Chairs Nikki Fried (FL), Nikema Williams (GA), Susan Swecker (VA), and Anderson Clayton (NC) ahead of the extreme abortion ban Donald Trump made possible taking effect in Florida tomorrow. Because of Donald Trump, abortion is banned across… Read More

IN THE STATES: Trump Under Fire for Extreme Abortion Bans While President Biden Delivers Investments and Defends Reproductive Rights   

Kicking off the week, President Biden visited Prince William Forest Park in Virginia to commemorate Earth Day. The President announced a series of programs to combat climate change, including putting more than 20,000 young Americans to work through the American Climate Corps and $7 billion to expand access to residential… Read More

Donald the Denier: Donald Trump Doesn’t “Think Science Knows” If Climate Change Is Real

This Earth Week, as Donald Trump continues to downplay the threat of climate change and promises to roll back the progress President Biden has made on protecting our planet, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “Families are suffering through deadly wildfires, horrific flooding, and record-high temperatures,… Read More

DNC Statement on Passover

As Passover commences, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement: “Every Spring, Jewish friends and families gather around the Seder table to commemorate the story and lessons of Passover. Marking the Jewish people’s exodus from Egypt, the tale of Passover is one of freedom, perseverance, and faith.  “We recognize… Read More