DNC Chair Tom Perez on Trump’s Budget

WASHINGTON – DNC Chair Tom Perez issued the following statement on President Trump’s budget proposal: “Donald Trump’s budget will no doubt be terrific for people who can afford to spend their weekends golfing at luxury resorts like Mar-a-Lago, and it would be a disaster for hardworking Americans struggling to get ahead. “In Trump’s vision of America, Read More

DNC Chair Tom Perez on the Victory of Stephanie Hansen

ATLANTA – DNC Chair Tom Perez issued the following statement congratulating Delaware Senator-Elect Stephanie Hansen on her victory in the Tenth District:   “Congratulations to Senator-Elect Stephanie Hansen on her victory this evening. The Delaware Senate is gaining another progressive champion focused on expanding opportunity for all. With this critical victory, Democrats have retained control of Read More

DNC Chair Statement on White House Attempts to Cover Up Growing Russia Scandal

WASHINGTON – Interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile released the following statement: “We have learned the Russians ran an elaborate operation to help elect Donald Trump. “We have learned that top members of Donald Trump’s team were in regularly touch with the Russians during the campaign. “We have learned that Donald Trump lies about pretty much Read More

DNC: White House Admits New Travel Ban Same As Old

WASHINGTON -- DNC national press secretary Adrienne Watson released the following statement in response to President Trump’s senior advisor saying his travel ban will have the “same basic policy outcome” as the last.   “As Trump promised over and over on the campaign and as the courts have said, the intent of the so-called travel Read More

DNC Releases Official Candidate Ballot, Full Schedule, and Additional Details for Winter Meeting

ATLANTA – Today, the DNC released the official candidate ballot for DNC officer positions. Candidates were required to submit 20 DNC member signatures to the DNC in order to qualify for the ballot. All officers will be elected by the full DNC membership on Saturday, February 25. The following candidates will be on the ballot Read More

A Humiliating Week for Trump, McConnell, Ryan

Though President Trump and his allies in Congress have managed to humiliate themselves dozens of times in the first 4 weeks of the Trump presidency, this week is a new low water mark. Andy Puzder Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Labor spent weeks running away from a record of cheating workers out of overtime pay, Read More

DNC Statement on Confirmation of Pruitt to EPA

WASHINGTON – DNC Interim Chair Donna Brazile issued the following statement:   “There's a hungry fox guarding the henhouse at our Environmental Protection Agency. Scott Pruitt is a climate science denier who has spent his career in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry, actively fighting on behalf of some of the worst air and water polluters on earth. As Attorney General Read More