Press Releases
DNC on Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee
09/26/2020DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after Donald Trump announced his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court: “This choice confirms what we already knew: Everything we care about is at stake in this election. Health care is on the ballot. Reproductive rights… Read More
DNC Battleground Brief
09/25/2020 -
DNC on U.S. Passing 7 Million COVID-19 Cases
09/25/2020 -
Trump’s Health Care Vision Is ‘A Total Nothingburger’
09/25/2020 -
DNC on Trump’s ‘Black Economic Empowerment Plan’
09/25/2020 -
DNC Statement on the 47th Anniversary of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 from DNC Chair Tom Perez, DNC Disability Council Chair Tony Coelho and Disability Council Honorary CoChair Judith Heumann
09/25/2020 -
DNC statement on International Week of the Deaf from DNC Chair Tom Perez, DNC Disability Council Chair Tony Coelho and Disability Council Honorary Co-Chair Claudia Gordon
09/25/2020 -
DNC Launches New Digital Ads in PA Reaching Vote-By-Mail Voters: “How To Return Your Ballot!”
09/24/2020 -
Trump Has Undermined Everything RBG Stood For
09/24/2020 -
Trump Says We’re Rounding The Turn As Coronavirus Surges At Fastest Rate In Months