Press Releases
Pharmaceutical Company Authorizes $15 Billion In Buybacks, Doesn’t Lower Drug Prices
12/14/2018Trump and Republicans gave massive new tax breaks to the pharmaceutical industry. Instead of using that money to lower drug prices, pharmaceutical companies continue to use it to benefit their shareholders while drug costs continue to rise. One company alone has now authorized $15… Read More
DNC on Outgoing Republican Governors in Wisconsin and Michigan Limiting the Powers of their Democratic Successors
12/14/2018 -
Trump To Laid Off GM Workers: ‘It Doesn’t Really Matter’
12/14/2018 -
DNC on Death of 7-year-old Girl in Government Custody
12/14/2018 -
Open Enrollment Ends Dec. 15 — Visit HealthCare.Gov Today
12/13/2018 -
ICYMI: The Atlantic: Trump Moves to Deport Vietnam War Refugees
12/13/2018 -
Final Farm Bill Rejects GOP Attempts to Dismantle Nutrition Programs
12/12/2018 -
POR SI TE LO PERDISTE: El Diario: Critican al gobierno Trump por retirar información en español sobre cobertura de salud
12/12/2018 -
Kraninger Plans To Echo Mulvaney As CFPB Head
12/12/2018 -
Mueller’s Investigation Gets One Step Closer To Trump