Press Releases
Trump & Republican Health Care Sabotage Increases Premiums Again Across The Country
06/01/2018Trump and Republicans’ health care sabotage has already led to millions more uninsured Americans, and now their policies are causing premiums to skyrocket in markets across the country. Here’s the latest states where the cost of health insurance has spiked because of Republican sabotage: RHODE ISLAND: This week, Rhode Island insurers requested double-digit premium Read More
DNC on LGBTQ Pride Month
06/01/2018 -
This Week, At Least 4 New Ethics Controversies For Trump Administration
06/01/2018 -
DNC Chair Travels to Orlando to Meet with the Puerto Rican Community
05/31/2018 -
DNC on Rhode Island Health Insurance Rate Hikes After GOP Sabotage
05/31/2018 -
McSally Complicit In Nielsen’s and Trump Administration’s Strategy of Separating Children from their
05/31/2018 -
Democrats Increase Access To Health Care Coverage
05/31/2018 -
Trump’s Immigration Lies: Blames Democrats For His Own Policy
05/30/2018 -
First Quarter Expenditures Reveal The Truth Behind the GOP Tax Scam
05/30/2018 -
DNC on Trump’s Tearing Children From Their Parents at the Border