Press Releases
DNC Responds To Attempts To End DACA
06/30/2017DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement in response to a letter signed by ten Republican officials asking President Trump to end President Obama’s DACA program: “The cruelty of this letter is an affront to our values as Americans. Ending the DACA program will needlessly tear more families apart, shatter communities, drive immigrants into the Read More
Senator Murkowski Comes Home to Brutal Headlines Condemning Cruel Senate Repeal Bill
06/30/2017 -
Senator Heller Comes Home to Brutal Headlines Condemning Cruel Senate Repeal Bill
06/30/2017 -
Senators Grassley and Ernst Come Home to Brutal Headlines Condemning Cruel Senate Repeal Bill
06/30/2017 -
Senator Collins Comes Home to Brutal Headlines Condemning Cruel Senate Repeal Bill
06/30/2017 -
GOP Health Repeal By The Numbers
06/29/2017 -
DNC on Trump’s Twitter Attack
06/29/2017 -
Trump Wades Into The Center Of The Swamp For First 2020 Fundraiser
06/28/2017 -
Tom Perez Announces New Chief Technology Officer
06/28/2017 -
More Faces of Republicans’ Healthcare Repeal