Press Releases
DNC Chair Statement: Trump Brings Broken Promises Tour to Michigan
03/15/2017WASHINGTON –DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement as Trump returns to Michigan with nothing more than broken promises on TrumpCare to show after more than 50 days in office: “It’s clear now that Donald Trump was lying when he promised every family in Michigan would have less expensive but better health care. TrumpCare will Read More
DNC: White House Releasing Tax Information Torpedoes Fake Audit Excuse
03/14/2017 -
WH Analysis Worse Than CBO Score That Price Rejected
03/14/2017 -
Confirmed: 24 Million To Lose Health Care Under Trump
03/13/2017 -
Tom Perez on Texas Redistricting Victory
03/11/2017 -
Trump Hypocrisy on Job Numbers
03/10/2017 -
DNC Chair Tom Perez on February Jobs Report
03/10/2017 -
Tom Perez and Keith Ellison to Kick Off Democratic Turnaround Tour
03/09/2017 -
GOP Chairmen Acting More Like Dictators, Lapdogs Than Public Servants
03/08/2017 -
DNC Joint Statement on International Women’s Day