Press Releases
Statement by DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Donald Trump’s Long History of Degrading Women
03/29/2016WASHINGTON—Today DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement: “Today, Donald Trump is actually trying to explain away his well-documented, decades-long history of degrading women with the weakest defense in the book: it was just a joke. But women aren’t laughing. They know that Trump’s misogyny is more than a show-business ploy for attention, Read More
DNC Chair Statement on Last Night’s Caucus Results
03/27/2016 -
DNC Statement on North Carolina Anti-LGBT Legislation
03/24/2016 -
DNC Chair Statement on ACA Anniversary and Zubik v. Burwell Case
03/23/2016 -
DNC Chair Statement on Western Super Tuesday Results
03/23/2016 -
DNC Chair Statement on Ted Cruz’s Call for Police Patrols of Muslim Neighborhoods in the U.S.
03/22/2016 -
DNC Chair Statement on Donald Trump and Aid to Israel
03/21/2016 -
DNC Chair Statement on Gov. Rick Snyder’s congressional testimony
03/17/2016 -
DNC Chair Statement on the Nomination of Merrick Garland
03/16/2016 -
DNC Chair Statement on Donald Trump, the GOP’s Presumptive Nominee