MAGAnomics Receives Straight Fs on Economic Report Card Showing Second Trump Term Leads To Recession, Spiking Inflation, and Tax Hikes

Moody’s estimates Trump’s extended tax proposal would lead to a recession by 2025  CAP estimates Trump’s tariff plan would raise taxes for middle-income households by up to $8,300 Congressional Budget Office estimates Trump’s tax plan would cost $4 trillion over the next decade, add $4.6 trillion to deficit DNC National… Read More

President Biden and Vice President Harris Are Helping LGBTQ+ Americans Shatter Glass Ceilings

DNC Director of Outreach Communications Tracy King released the following statement:  “President Biden and Vice President Harris promised to make their cabinet and administration look like America, and they’ve delivered. They appointed the first Senate-confirmed openly gay cabinet member, selected the first Black and openly gay White House press secretary,… Read More

President Biden is Standing Up To Corporate Greed, Cutting Costs for Families  

DNC National Press Secretary ⁨Emilia Rowland⁩ released the following statement after the White House released the Biden-Harris Lowering Costs Agenda: “President Biden is delivering for hardworking families, taking historic action to lower everyday costs from household items to health care while holding greedy corporate execs, union-busting CEOs, and tax-cheating… Read More

DNC Statement on United States v. Rahimi 

In response to the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in United States v. Rahimi, DNC National Press Secretary ⁨Emilia Rowland⁩ released the following statement: “Protecting domestic abuse survivors against gun violence should never be a question – But that’s how extreme MAGA Republicans in the pocket of the… Read More

Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes: Elise Stefanik Led the Charge on a National Abortion Ban and Endorsed Cruel Bans Across the Country

As Trump VP contender Elise Stefanik speaks at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C., DNC Spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement:  “Self-proclaimed ‘ultra-MAGA’ VP contender Elise Stefanik co-sponsored a national abortion ban, celebrated Trump’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, and called draconian abortion bans across the… Read More

Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes: VP Contender Tim Scott Supports the Most Extreme National Abortion Ban Possible

Ahead of Tim Scott’s appearance at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C., DNC Spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement:  “Just like Donald Trump, VP contender Tim Scott is an anti-choice extremist who wants to ban abortion nationwide. Scott thinks Trump is ‘right’ on endorsing cruel abortion… Read More

NEW: Trump’s MAGA Ally Roger Stone Is Preparing Plans to Challenge November’s Election Results

In response to reporting on Donald Trump’s MAGA ally Roger Stone laying out plans to challenge November’s election results, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “Donald Trump knows he’s running a losing campaign, so he’s already turning to his MAGA minions to draw up plans… Read More