THE LATEST: Trump Admin Keeps Thousands Of Children Separated From Their Families

The Trump administration failed to meet a deadline to reunite young children with their families, and the thousands of children remain separated from their families. As parents still don’t know when they will see their children again, the Trump administration is already preparing for another surge in children detentions.   The Trump administration failed to Read More

Kavanaugh Is A Threat To Americans’ Health Care

Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Kavanaugh, is a threat to Americans’ health care. We know Kavanaugh will gut the Affordable Care Act because Trump himself pledged his Supreme Court nominee would “do the right thing” and strike it down, and because Kavanaugh wrote that a future president could refuse to enforce it.   Trump pledged Read More

Despite Court Rulings To Reunite Families, Trump Administration Continues to Keep Them Apart

While the Trump administration failed to meet today’s court-imposed deadline to reunite more than 100 children under five-years-old separated from their parents, a federal judge in California ruled against Trump’s request to  indefinitely detain families at the border. The administration must immediately reunite all families separated as a result of Trump’s manufactured crisis at the Read More

VIDEO: DNC on Kavanaugh’s Nomination to the Supreme Court

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after President Trump announced Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court:   “Judge Kavanaugh should not be allowed anywhere near our nation’s highest bench. Let’s be clear: a vote for Kavanaugh would be a vote to rip health care from American Read More

ICYMI: BuzzFeed

By Ema O'Connor and Nidhi Prakash   [...]   “While the national focus has been on family separations, another Department of Homeland Security policy quietly introduced by the Trump administration five months earlier has devastated women fleeing violence in their home countries: the detention of pregnant women not yet in their third trimester. “Before that Read More