DNC on Jeff Sessions’ Alliance Defending Freedom Speech

This evening, Attorney General Jeff Sessions will deliver a closed-door speech to the anti-LGBTQ Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). In response, DNC spokesperson Joel Kasnetz released this statement: “You can judge a person by the company they keep and tonight - Attorney General Jeff Sessions is choosing to spend his time speaking in front of one Read More

NEW VIDEO: DNC & Louisiana Democratic Party Highlight Krista’s Story and Impact of Republican Repeal

Today, the Democratic National Committee and the Louisiana Democratic Party are releasing a new video called “Krista’s Fight for Medicaid,” which highlights the story of Krista - a single mother from Louisiana, who would experience firsthand the damaging effects of the Republican health care repeal bill. The Senate Republican repeal bill would strip access to quality and affordable Read More

DNC on Donald Trump Jr’s Email Exchange

In response to the release of the email exchange in which Donald Trump Jr. was informed of the Russian government’s effort to help his father, DNC deputy communications director Adrienne Watson released the following statement: “Let’s be clear: Donald Trump Jr. was told in explicit terms that the Russian government wanted to help his father win the election, and he knew the information was coming from Read More

5:30 PM ET: Democrats Live with Ellison, Franken, González

Today, July 11th at 5:30pm ET, DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison will host Senator Al Franken and Jessica González, Deputy Director and Senior Counsel at Free Press, for a new episode of Democrats Live.  They will discuss the fights to save the Affordable Care Act and net neutrality. Democrats Live will be broadcast from live.democrats.org. Watch the live show, plus highlights and full episodes of past shows Read More

DNC Statement on Donald Trump Jr.

In response to tonight’s report that Donald Trump Jr. was told that the Russian government was behind an effort to provide damaging information about Hillary Clinton and help his father’s campaign, DNC deputy communications director Adrienne Watson issued the following statement: “This isn’t just smoke anymore. Donald Jr. was willing to accept the help of a hostile foreign government to sway the election. In the Read More

DNC Announces Unprecedented Investments in State Democratic Parties

WASHINGTON – The Democratic National Committee (DNC) today announced the details of new unprecedentedinvestments along with the Association of State Democratic Chairs (ASDC) to give local Democratic leaders, activists and organizers the resources they need to grow, get out the vote, and win elections. The new investments dramatically boosts the DNC’s existing State Partnership Program (SPP). Beginning this October, all state Read More

A Long History: Agalarov, Trump and Vladimir Putin

Emin Agalarov, who reportedly requested the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on Hillary Clinton, is closely tied to Vladimir Putin and a good friend of the Trump family. Here is a brief look at their long history together:   Emin Agalarov is the son of a close Putin ally Aras Agalarov, who was a liaison between Trump and Putin during Read More

Tom Perez on GOP Lawmakers Avoiding The People They Represent

In response to the Senate’s healthcare repeal bill becoming the most unpopular bill in three decades and reporting that some Republican lawmakers have been avoiding the people they represent, DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement: “Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and we will continue to fight each day until that becomes a reality for every Read More

DNC Chair Tom Perez on Jobs Report

After the U.S. Department of Labor released the latest jobs and unemployment numbers, DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perezissued the following statement: “Our economy works best when we promote policies that lift workers up and expand opportunity - that's why we’ve seen our economy grow at record levels through the Democratic leadership of President Obama. And while President Obama’s long-term Read More