Press Releases
DNC on Latest ‘Black Voices for Trump’ Outreach Event
04/20/2020DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie Rollins and DNC National Press Secretary Brandon Gassaway released the following statement ahead of the Trump campaign’s Black outreach event: “Black voters see right through this shallow outreach by the Trump campaign. If this president were serious about supporting Black communities, his administration… Read More
Trump Ignores Pleas For Help Ramping Up Testing
04/20/2020 -
Fauci: We Knew ‘We Were In Real Trouble’ In January
04/20/2020 -
In Latest Briefing, Trump Still Can’t Tell Us Where The Tests Are
04/19/2020 -
Trump Turns Another Briefing Into A Campaign Rally
04/18/2020 -
In Latest Briefing, Fauci Admits Trump Failed At Testing
04/17/2020 -
DNC Battleground Brief
04/17/2020 -
DNC Chair Perez, CA Secretary of State Padilla and Democratic State Party Chairs from CO, OR, & WA Highlight Importance of Safe & Accessible Voting During Coronavirus Pandemic
04/17/2020 -
Americans Overwhelmingly Disapprove Of Trump’s Coronavirus Response
04/17/2020 -
Coronavirus Pandemic: The Devastating Economic Impact on Latinos and their Families