Press Releases
Vast Majority Of Americans Support Common-Sense Gun Reforms
02/26/2018New polling this weekend continues to show the overwhelming majority of Americans support stricter gun laws and enacting common-sense gun reforms to ensure a tragedy like the Parkland school shooting never happens again. Trump and the NRA are both increasingly unpopular: A plurality of Americans disapproves of the NRA, with the organization hitting Read More
Republicans Refuse To Discuss Gun Reforms In Response To The Parkland School Shooting
02/24/2018 -
College Democrats Mobilize to Support Parkland Students in Fight for Common-Sense Gun Reform
02/23/2018 -
DNC on the Passage of Anti-LGBTQ Adoption Bill in Georgia Senate
02/23/2018 -
Trump Plan Fails To Address Our Nation’s Infrastructure Needs
02/23/2018 -
VIDEO: Parkland Students Bravely Hold Politicians Accountable on Gun Violence
02/23/2018 -
Trump And The NRA, One And The Same
02/23/2018 -
USA Today: We won big in 2017 against Trump and GOP, just like we said we would: Tom Perez
02/23/2018 -
Trump’s Health Care Plan: Tax Breaks For Big Pharma, Premium Increases For Millions Of Americans
02/22/2018 -
NEXT WEEK: Meeting of DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee