DNC Statement on Bloody Sunday

On the 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement: “59 years ago, over 600 activists marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in opposition of Jim Crow laws and in search of a more fair and just world. Led by giants of the Civil Rights… Read More

Meet Michael Whatley: A Trump-Backed, Election-Denying MAGA Extremist Who Wants To Rip Away Americans’ Basic Freedoms (And Also Can’t Denounce Nazis)

As Donald Trump campaigns in future RNC Chair Michael Whatley’s home state of North Carolina, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “Donald Trump hand picked Michael Whatley to lead the RNC not in spite of his record as an election-denying MAGA extremist – but… Read More

Donald Trump and His MAGA Ally Mark Robinson Will Put An Extreme and Dangerous Agenda On the Ballot in North Carolina This November

As Donald Trump campaigns in North Carolina today, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement:  “Donald Trump and his MAGA ally Mark Robinson are peddling a dangerous and divisive agenda to North Carolinians, but the voters aren’t buying it. Trump and Robinson are both MAGA extremists who… Read More

ICYMI: Rep. McClellan, Reproductive Care Advocates Slam Trump Ahead of Rally in Richmond

Today, the DNC hosted a press conference with Biden-Harris National Advisory Board member Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan (VA-04) and reproductive care advocates to call out Donald Trump’s extreme anti-freedom agenda ahead of his rally in Richmond, Virginia.  Read highlights from the press conference below: “Trump is proud of appointing the Supreme… Read More