NEW: Polling Shows Americans Think Trump and MAGA House GOP’s Agenda Is Out of Touch and Dangerous 

New polling from Navigator shows that the majority of Americans are taking Donald Trump’s threats for his dangerous second term agenda seriously — and they strongly disapprove of his extremism, from abortion to pushing pardons for insurrectionists. Let’s be clear: Americans overwhelmingly reject the extreme MAGA, anti-worker, anti-middle class… Read More

Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes: VP Contenders Support Trump’s MAGAnomics Tax Scam to Rig the Economy for the Ultra-Wealthy

As Donald Trump’s VP contenders support MAGA Republicans’ efforts to double down on Trump’s failed MAGAnomics tax scam, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are pushing to once again rig the economy for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations, and Trump’s… Read More

Here’s What People Are Saying About RFK Jr.’s “Visceral Reaction” to the Removal of Confederate Monuments 

In a recent interview, RFK Jr. described having a “visceral reaction” to the removal of Confederate statues and monuments. He argued that some “heroes in the Confederacy” may have had “other qualities” that should be revered. RFK Jr. said that Confederate general and slave owner Robert E. Lee’s “extraordinary qualities… Read More

Here’s What People Are Saying About RFK Jr.’s Abysmal Performance at the Libertarian Convention 

“Pitiful”…  “Flamed out even faster than it started”… “Made complete asses of themselves” … “Cringe-inducing, partly hilarious, and ultimately failed” … “Tactical ineptitude and strategic confusion on display”… “Face-plant”… “Fumbled the bag”… “Somewhat predictable flop”…  John Heilemann on MSNBC: “Kennedy was seen as angling for something different, which was… Read More

Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes: VP Contenders Stood By Trump As He Called Veterans “Suckers” and “Losers”

As Donald Trump’s veepstakes contenders continue to stand by Trump, who has a disastrous record of failing and insulting veterans, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:  “When Donald Trump insulted veterans as ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’ tried to gut funding for disabled veterans, and left the Department… Read More