Press Releases
Trump Sides With NRA & Fails To Take Action On Gun Violence
08/05/2019In his remarks today, Trump once again regurgitated NRA talking points, blaming anything but guns for this weekend’s mass shootings. Every time he talks about gun violence, he has sided with the NRA and failed to take action. Trump signed into law legislation that… Read More
DNC Chair on Two Mass Shootings in Less Than 24 Hours
08/04/2019 -
Democrats Mounting “Aggressive Effort” To Win Michigan, Call Out Trump’s ‘Trail Of Broken Promises” In Warren
07/31/2019 -
Across From Closing Plant, DNC Chair Joins Michigan Democrats to Highlight Trump’s Broken Economic Promises
07/30/2019 -
Across The Battlegrounds: “Democrats Kick Off Campaign To Undercut Trump’s Economic Record”
07/26/2019 -
DNC Chair Tom Perez on Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló
07/24/2019 -
IN THE BATTLEGROUNDS: Democrats “Hammering” Trump’s Health Care Lawsuit
07/10/2019 -
DNC Announces Candidates Participating in First Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
06/13/2019 -
DNC Announces Details For Third Presidential Primary Debate
05/29/2019 -
La declaración del DNC sobre el informe de Mueller