Press Releases
Senate Health Repeal Hurts Middle-Class Families
06/26/2017Here is a look at some of the ways this bill would hurt middle-class families: Premiums could spike for middle-class families who would no longer be able to obtain subsidies under the Senate GOP’s healthcare repeal. NBC News: “Billions of dollars in federal subsidies that have reduce out-of-pocket expenses for over six million patients under Obamacare would be repealed by 2019 under Read More
NEW: Editorial Boards Across Country Continue to Lay Out How Senate Health Care Bill Will Hurt Ameri
06/26/2017 -
DNC on Today’s SCOTUS Decisions on LGBTQ Rights
06/26/2017 -
Editorial Boards Across U.S. Detail Dangers of Republican Bill to Strip Families of Health Care
06/23/2017 -
DNC on Trump’s Broken Promises To Carrier, Boeing Workers
06/23/2017 -
Trump Endorses Senate Bill with Devastating Impacts on Americans
06/23/2017 -
DNC Statement on 18th Anniversary of Olmstead Decision
06/22/2017 -
Tom Perez acerca del proyecto de Ley de Salud revelado en el Senado
06/22/2017 -
6 PM: Democrats Live with Rep. Keith Ellison, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan
06/22/2017 -
Tom Perez on Reveal of Senate Health Care Bill