Press Releases
Another Anti-Choice Trump Appointee Just Got More Power to Push Her Dangerous Agenda
04/04/2019Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced today that the agency’s Office of Adolescent Health will be reorganized under the Office of Population Affairs, a department led by anti-abortion Trump appointee Diane Foley. Foley is just the latest dangerous Trump appointee to be put in charge of women’s… Read More
More Ohio Layoffs Coming After Trump Promised To Save Their Jobs
04/04/2019 -
DNC on House Democrats Reauthorizing and Expanding the Violence Against Women Act
04/04/2019 -
Trump Admin Repeatedly and Unnecessarily Creates National Security Threats
04/04/2019 -
Mueller’s Team Disputes Barr’s Summary
04/04/2019 -
Los ataques y mentiras de Trump no ayudarán a Puerto Rico
04/03/2019 -
Trump’s Own Party Begs Him Not To Shut Down The Border
04/03/2019 -
DNC on Trump Administration Harassment of Employee with a Disability
04/03/2019 -
Newsflash: Voters Oppose Trump’s Attacks On Their Health Care
04/03/2019 -
ICYMI: Arizona Mirror: Wage hikes promised by McSally, GOP, haven’t materialized, but stock buybacks have boomed